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Child Care Tuition Rates

We utilize a monthly tuition rate for all of our classrooms 

It is broken down into 3 Tiers, each Tier has a tuition 

based on 4 days of attendance per week and 

2 days of attendance per week


Tier 1-At Cost: 

2 days per week $900 a month, 4 days per week $1600 a month

Tier 2-Subsidized: 

2 days per week $750 a month, 4 days per week $1300 a month

 Tier 3-Scholarship: 

2 days per week $600 a month, 4 days per week $1000 a month

​​  (Subsidized and Scholarship spots are limited)

*Enrollment Fee=$500 to hold a spot when no attendance 


$100 Annual Registration Fee 

(At enrollment and each September)

We also accept Working Connection, Early Childhood Education Initiative, and ECEAP to help our community with childcare. If you have any question or concerns please reach out to us. 



Registration Forms English

If enrolling a new student, please complete all of the forms below

Formularios de registro en Espanol

Si inscribe a un nuevo estudiante, complete todos los formularios a continuación

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